List properties


The bulk of list properties are defined in the List properties property, also known as the List Builder.

Data Source

There are different Data Source options available for creating a list control. Each of these sources have type specific as well as shared properties.

Detail View

A Detail View allows you to take the row of a given field displayed in a list control and show information from other fields related to that row. For example, say you had a list of customers displayed a simple list control. Every time you highlighted a given customer in that list, the detail view would display that customers specific data (address, phone number, country, etc..). Here are the Detail View Property Sections displayed in the List Builder:


Each field that you add to a list control in the Data Source tab comes with its own set of field properties. These properties are displayed on the List Builder's "Fields" tab whenever a given field is highlighted.

Search Part

You can add a Search part to a List Control in the List Properties pane of the List Builder. The Search Part Pane contains properties that allow you to further define the Search Part.

List Layout

The fields to be displayed in a list are selected in the List Layout Pane of the List Builder; after being defined on the Data Source pane. There are a number of property settings that are available on this pane as well.

List Control Client-side Events

Client-side events for the List can be utilized to perform additional tasks when an event, such as clicking a list row or creating a new record, occurs.

List Properties

This pane within the List Builder features a number of important property settings such as list virtualization and the ability to add detail and search views to a component.

Multiple Layouts

The Multiple Layouts pane appears in the List Builder if the 'Has Multiple Layouts' property is checked on the List Properties pane.

The List Builder

The List Control section of the documentation contains guides on how to implement List controls in a UX component.

See Also